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30 bridles & 30 breastplates
I was privileged to work on a project for The Devils Horsemen and made 30 bridles & 30 breastplates in two weeks

30 breastplates

Workshop buddy

Replaced the rear balancing strap
This saddle belongs to a horseman and stunt rider. I was asked to replace the rear balancing strap, connected to the tree. To carry out this repair, I had to remove the panels and seat to gain access to the tree. The replacement strap is bridle leather lined with nylon webbing for longevity

Replaced the rear balancing strap
This saddle belongs to a horseman and stunt rider. I was asked to replace the rear balancing strap, connected to the tree. To carry out this repair, I had to remove the panels and seat to gain access to the tree. The replacement strap is bridle leather lined with nylon webbing for longevity

Laptop case

Tote bag

Tote bags

2 Trick riding padded girths

Webbed trick riding saddle girth straps

Replaced padded trick riding girth strap

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